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Servers indexed : 26

Lineagers Vote! Interlude 0

  • Date added: 2021-05-25 00:08:12
  • Owner: GameMaster13
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Language: English
  • Geolocation: Russian Federation
  • Platform / Type: L2J Normal
Server rates
  • EXP: x100
  • SP: 100
  • DROP: 150
  • ADENA: 150
  • Safe enchant: 3
  • Max enchant: 18
Good to know
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Custom zone:
  • Custom weapon:
  • Custom armor:
  • Offline shop:
Social share

Opening date  December 20th at 2000 GMT 3
Launch OBT December  18rd in 2000 GMT 3
Platform Java
Chronicles Interlude

To start familiarization if you havent done it yet

Go to register in the game
Download the client or patch for the game
Already done Lets get started About the Server
Basic information

Highquality geodata and geoplatform
Classic Lineage II Interlude Multicraft
The profession is taken automatically call the window in menu or AltB
Full functionality in AltB there are prohibitions the balance was not broken
All spawns in Dion level 10 in top NG gear 1500 adena in the inventory

Price of the first profession free You get 2 coupons for exchanging Dgrade weapons
Price of the second profession free You get 2 coupons for exchanging weapons of grade C
Third profession 3000000 Adena
You can exchange coupons at the Class Master

EXPSP x100
Adena x1 Living economy All prices are indexed and balanced
Drop x150
Spoil x150
Seal Stone x20
Raid Boss x25
Epic RB Drop x1
Quest x1 Except some x10x50 quests
Quest Reward x1
Manor x1
List of quests with increased rates

Alliance with Varka Silenos x15
War With Varka Silenos from 15 to 20
Alliance With Varka Silenos x15
War With Ketra orcs from 15 to 20
Relics of the Old Empire 100 from 10 to 25
Gather The Flames 100 from 10 to 25
Through the Gate Once More 100 at 1
Exploration of Giants Cave part 1 x15
Exploration of Giants Cave part 2 x15
Legacy Of Insolence from 10 to 20
Whisper of Dreams part 1 x10
Whisper of Dreams part 2 x10
Heart In Search Of Power x20
Into the Flame x5
Finest Food x10 The quest is available from level 78
Guardians of the Holy Grail from 10 to 20
Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force 100 at 4
The Zero Hour 100 from 50 to 60
A Powerful Primeval Creature 100 at 2
Rise Fall of the Elroki Tribe 100 from 8 to 16
Rates with premium account

Exp Sp x200
Adena x2
Drop x300
Spoil x300
Seal Stone x40
How does a Premium account work in a party
Dropspoil is divided among the party members Adenaexpsp only work for the owner of a premium account
Example Basis with PA the second window without Drop will be 50 spoil will be 50 Adenaexpsp remain 200 but work only on the owner of PA
Premium account works on a specific purchased character
Command to check the end of the premium account premium
VIP Subscription

Acquired VIP subscription works only for one character and also includes additional bonuses

Greater Healing Potion are not consumed when used
CP Potion are not consumed when used
Mana Potion are not consumed when using
Access to global chat once every 5 minutes Text in the chat must begin with the symbol
Global chat color is yellow
Command for checking Vip

TvT with automatic buff of magewarrior sets the schedule can be viewed in the game by the command tvt
CTF with automatic buff of magewarrior sets the schedule can be viewed in the game by the command ctf
SubClass and Noblesse

SubClass does not require completing a quest Maximum amount 5
Simplified quest for noblesse Reagents are sold in GMShop
Respawn of Noble RB Barakiel 3 hours 30 minutes
Level of Noble RB and guards 80


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