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L2 Destorus Vote! Interlude 1

  • Date added: 2022-07-01 14:16:19
  • Owner: Destorus_com
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Language: English
  • Geolocation: Slovakia
  • Platform / Type: L2J Normal
Server rates
  • EXP: 10000
  • SP: 1
  • DROP: 1
  • ADENA: 1
  • Safe enchant: 80
  • Max enchant: 100
Good to know
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Custom zone:
  • Custom weapon:
  • Custom armor:
  • Offline shop:
Social share
Custom Interlude
Rates х999k
Autofarm system
All additions are handmade
A unique game world no time to be bored

You can use Community Board ALTB
The character gets 80 lvl on creation
A unique start straight into the thick of it
RPG System you can deeply customize your character
Killer NPCs almost like real players but with useful drop
Zones with dualbox restrictions
Raid Bosses with fixed damage
Zones with PKguards
All donate items you can get in a game way
Zones with restricted donateitems
Clan battles for reputation and clan Bosses
Highlighting the best PvP players choosing the top farmer voting for the best and worst server player
Our own event Roll the Dice held by Admin

Every day from 2205 to 2200 of the next day each player can vote for some other player
All votes checked by HWID
You can vote at NPC Adron PvP Manager or using the chat command votetop Also after 2200 youll get a notification
The best player get Leaders Mark 3 to all stats for 24 hours
The system is created for helping newbies Help other players and motivate them to vote for you with command votetop You can check vote ranking in ALTB


Some farm zones are limited by time You can use them from 120 to 360 minutes per day
Limits reset once per day during morning server autorestart
You can reset the limit for each zone for 1 Donate Coin
How Limited Zones looks like in Community Board


Dont waste your time enchanting Success enchant rate from 0 to 80 is 100
You can get Enchant Scrolls from Farm Zones chance 2
Or you can buy it at Farm Shop
On character creation you get 20 Armor and 20 Weapon enchant scrolls it cannot be traded
Each scroll gives 10 to your item enchant level
To be able to enchant from 80 to 100 you have to use Deluxe Enchant Scroll 100 chance 1 to enchant level
You can get Deluxe Enchant Scroll from various Raid Bosses
Element Bosses Chance of drop Deluxe Weapon Scroll 13 30 Deluxe Armor Scroll 15 30
Vampire PvP Zone Chance of drop Deluxe Weapon Scroll 13 50 Deluxe Armor Scroll 15 50
The chance to get Skill from Top Grade Life Stone is 15

Now you can repeat your enchanting in one click
You can set Binds
You can set Active Window
Appearance from the Essence Client
And much more other features
Check how the interface looks


DDOS protection
Protection from the cheaters and bots
We guarantee stable server operation 247365
We dont provide the shadow donate
Events from the Admin with valuable rewards
Experienced Administration which leads the development of all elements of the server independently


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