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L2Battle of ragnarok Vote! High Five 0

  • Date added: 2023-05-13 14:17:40
  • Owner: BattleofRagnarok
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Language: English
  • Geolocation: France
  • Platform / Type: L2J Normal
Server rates
  • EXP: 999
  • SP: 999
  • DROP: 999
  • ADENA: 999
  • Safe enchant: 6
  • Max enchant: 6
Good to know
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Custom zone:
  • Custom weapon:
  • Custom armor:
  • Offline shop:
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Lineage II Battle of Ragnarok High Five
Chapter I Olympiad Server
Server Status Closed Beta
Hi everyone we would announce that our server will be open from today for expierenced players as closed beta

Our goal is to discover critical issues on the server specially at olympiad also our server based on java
If you think you have good experience at lineage 2 H5 olympiad we would invite you to join us at closed beta
There will be special rewards for testers depending on what they discover during closed beta
Main Town Aden
All Items for free from Ragnarok Maid Still Discussing about Elegia and Blessed Jeweles to be at oly shop
Hero Period still not decided
Minimum number to start oly game 2
Skills are auto 30 with one click no need to codex for changing or enchanting skills
Shots are infinity

Remember that we are still at open beta which many things not ready yet

Join us and have fun with your friends

Chapter II Main Server The greatest ragnarok comeback will be announced soon


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