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L2Chill Vote! High Five 0

  • Date added: 2023-11-12 21:28:31
  • Owner: pigaaa161
  • Website:
  • Status:
  • Language: English
  • Geolocation: France
  • Platform / Type: L2J Normal
Server rates
  • EXP: 25
  • SP: 25
  • DROP: 10
  • ADENA: 10
  • Safe enchant: 3
  • Max enchant: 16
Good to know
  • GM shop:
  • NPC buffer:
  • Global GK:
  • Custom zone:
  • Custom weapon:
  • Custom armor:
  • Offline shop:
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What is HF Rebalance
It is a simplified lowrate server for busy players with an easier way to obtain ingame items
It is a server with an active player base and the possibility of comfortable singlewindow gameplay
It is a gradual stepbystep character development where each location and each equipment grade matters
It is a reworked class balance where all professions are in demand and balanced
It is updated bonuses for Sets SA Epic and Olympiad jewelry
It is a new system of farming RBs in the open world instead of stuffy instances
It is a modern Salvation client lagfree with many features and conveniences
It is a rethinking and adaptation of the classic High Five chronicles for 2024

Rates and stages
A stage system has been introduced to make the character development process smoother and to prevent players with high online time from reaching their peak power early Play at your own comfortable pace You wont fall behind the main group even if you only spend a couple of hours a day playing There is no hard cap Stages limit not only the characters level but also the maximum available equipment grade Now every equipment grade is important and each location has its own role Highlevel locations are initially closed at the start and will open as the server develops which in turn makes all game content relevant Experience rates are dynamic and change according to the stage

Essential features of the server
Comfortable gameplay even with just one window without the need to level up a spoiler or support character
Sub classes no longer need to be pumped sub skills work on sub classes
Many locations and quests have been updated
Numerous activities have been added for party play at all stages of the game
The Olympiad castle sieges and fortress sieges have been reworked
Agrade equipment has been removed from sale in the Luxury Shop
Common and Shadow equipment has been removed
And theres so much more

Skill changes
Every class has been balanced in terms of mechanics and skills
New skills have been added and old ones have been reworked
Some key skills are now learned earlier Most of the camps in the game are no longer dependent on CON
Below is a detailed description of all the changes there are many but the overall logic of the game remains the same all individual profession traits have not changed we only strengthened weak aspects and weakened overly strong aspects of each class

New set effects sa in weapon and jewerly
The effects of irrelevant or unpopular sets and SA have been reworked to add variety to the gameplay
The magic defense of all epic jewelry has been increased now it is equal to the magic defense value of the top jewelry of the current stage
For sets of grade S and above new Shoulders have been added to better select equipment for your tasks
Jewelry of grade S and above can now be crossed with Olympus jewelry increasing its magic defense
New bonuses have been added to hero weapons Rare weapon bonuses have been updated


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