ncient battles eternal stories meet the classics in Lineage 2 for true fans of the classic Interlude with x1 rates On this server filled with the spirit of old times you will encounter a world where every level and every item is achieved solely by work and skill We invite you to return to the roots of this legendary game where skill and strategy are valued above all else
Basic information about Erica x1
The server assumes classical development in the game world all aspects of the Interlude classics are preserved
Fair play without donations affecting the balance
Newbie Buff up to level 24 inclusive
Obtaining professions standardly through quests
Offline trading command offline
Window limit 2 windows
Manor is disabled
Autoloot absent
There are no Shadow weapons and the ability to receive coupons
If FrenzyGutsZealot is active the spear will wrap around 3 targets
Exchanging weapons from a mammon for an equivalent weapon does not transfer enchant
Advanced achievement system
Seasonal server events
Useful game commands
AltB game panel
cfgmenu Detailed character settings
offline Allows you to exit the game leaving the character to trade or craft
repair Restoring a character If your character cannot enter the game or is stuck critish or the loading screen does not end
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